The 3 Most Common Mistakes Companies Make When It Comes to Social Media

By: Andres Negro

For most companies, implementing social media to boost their business is still a mystery. As a producer, the platforms can be hard to navigate, and the algorithms make it difficult to reach the desired audience. But when used correctly, social media can be one of the most effective tools to grow your business. Here are the three most common mistakes companies make when using social media:

1. Sales over exposure. Social media is about building a community. The sales will come, but your social media efforts can’t focus on sales alone. Remember, social media is a marathon not a sprint. If your audience feels they are getting pushed into buying something, chances are they will leave your page and go to another they feel more connected to.

2. “Let the intern do it”. The 22-year-old intern might know a lot about how to use filters on Instagram to get more likes on that selfie. But when it comes to creating content that will provide value for your consumers, you should have someone with professional writing and marketing skills.  

3. They do not choose the right social media platform. Yes, Facebook is the biggest social media platform with over 2 billion users. However, it is not the right platform for every business. Which social media platform your business uses depends on who your audience is. Every business is different but here are some simple guidelines to follow:

  • If you are mainly a business to business (B2B) company, focus on LinkedIn

  • If your target audience age is 34 or younger, focus on Instagram (61% of Instagram users are 18-34 years old)

  • Facebook is a great platform for reaching an older demographic that does not use the other platforms, and can also be used to sell items.  

These mistakes are not only the most common, but can be the costliest. One of the quickest ways to fix these problems is to get a professional opinion on your social media approach. In addition, ensure whoever is in charge of your company’s social media is up to date with the latest advances. The more you know about which social media platforms would benefit your business, the faster your company can use these tools to grow.




Sources: (picture)

Andres Negro